The "Lily Bouquet"
The stunning oriental Lily Bouquet is an absolutely beautiful bouquet filled with highly fragranced lilies and seasonal foliage.
Your choice of white or pink lilies (pink lilies will vary in shade due to availability)
All bouquets are packed with water to keep flowers fresh. We wrap our bouquets in white paper finished off with our signature dandelion piece. Alternatively, add on a signature flower box to your order.
By continuing to the cart, you acknowledge and accept our Delivery Policy. If you require assistance, please review our FAQs or call our friendly staff on 04 210 0799.
The Wild Flower delivers flowers throughout the Wellington Region and gift items nationwide.
Same day delivery is available for all weekday orders placed before 3pm. For Saturday deliveries, orders must be placed by 9pm Friday. Please use our delivery calendar on the cart page to select your delivery date.
The appropriate delivery fee will be presented at checkout after a delivery address is entered. Please ensure the correct address and post code is provided as our system relies on this to provide the correct rate.
Delivery fees are:
• Wellington CBD $13
• Wellington Suburbs $17.00
• Hutt Valley $21.00
• Porirua $21.00
• Kapiti Coast $35
All Saturday deliveries are $25, including CBD. Please note we are unable to deliver to Kapiti Coast or to rural addresses on weekends.
For more information on our delivery service, please review our FAQs and Delivery Policy or call the store on 04 210 0799.